Carrie Terbasket

Member, Lower Similkameen Indian Band of the Okanagan Nation


Carrie Terbasket is a member of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band of the Okanagan Nation located in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. Carrie is an active spokeswoman for the preservation of the natural world. She believes that women have a strong connection to the land and the water and as such should have a place in the forefront of land based discussions and decisionmaking. She is currently in her second term on the National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk (NACOSAR), a council responsible to advise the federal Minister of Environment on the administration of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). She is Chair and co-founder of the South Okanagan-Similkameen Syilx Environmental Committee (SOSSEC), a group who strive for meaningful First Nations participation in the conservation arena throughout the Okanagan Nation and beyond. Carrie is also the proud mother of Madison, Liam, and Abigail.